Make property Lognode a generated unique value so we never have to manually set it again - Mendix Forum

Make property Lognode a generated unique value so we never have to manually set it again


This idea suggest to generate the ‘Log node name’ automatically.
And to make it a unique value so it is easy to find the log message’s origin in your code.

When ever you add activity “Log message” to a flow, you have to enter a value for property ‘lognode’:

It is cumbersome and everyone is always wondering what value to put there. There is even an entire tutorial for it. See the learning path for exact details.

Is this all really necessary, just for a simple job as adding a log message? That’s not the idea of programming in Mendix. It’s supposed to become easier, not way harder compared to normal programming languages.

Why a unique value, you might ask? Here is why:

Currently in the console you will find this log messages with the name in column ‘Log node’. If this name is unique (after implementation of this idea), you can copy it, and do a find in your code and immediately arrive at the one an only log-message-activity that posted the message.

Afterburner: in this console list and in the logfiles themselves, it would be helpful to have the columns ‘Module’ and ‘microflow’ added.

My advise to anyone for the time being: give lognode names any random value of about 10 characters or so.

3 answers

This would be super awesome


I agree that this is something that should be improved. It is a returning topic on this forum, for example see



That would be a relief.
