While Mendix is very useful for building quick applications in terms of logic, data model and very easy pages, its features are extremely limited when trying to apply best practice UX. This is most painful when building grids.
Currently, the flexibility of a data grid is extremely limited. The data grid extension widget helps in extending its functionality, but isn't updated for more than one and a half year.
The template grid helps in this situation, it allows you create a grid with (almost) full flexibility in every cell. However, it is not possible to
The first point would be easily solved by letting developers choose the attributes that the content can be sorted on and subsequently generating a sorting element. The second point should also be solved quite easily, no idea why this is not possible...
When will this be implemented? I look forward to it.
The usability of grids was discussed during the UX meetup at Mendix couple weeks back, In the vid its explained why MX grids have such horrible usability.
Would still love to see a MX native solution instead of having to resort to thirdparty widgets to solve such a common element.
The list view has no (simple) solution for filtering besides the list view control widgets. But the list view controls don’t allow you to filter on many to many associations.
The template grid do allow filtering on many-to-many relations, but don’t have the option to use the sort option from the list view control widgets.
The list view has no (simple) solution for filtering besides the list view control widgets. But the list view controls don’t allow you to filter on many to many associations.
The template grid do allow filtering on many-to-many relations, but don’t have the option to use the sort option from the list view control widgets.
Hi all,
This is a huge topic for us and we are still working on it. Unfortunatly is does not goes as fast as we want, but be assured, this still has high priority.
I recommend checking out list view controls: https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/105694/
We are all waiting for this :-)
Any update on this per chance? Editing template grids would be amazing
Any update on this in the last year? Editable Template Grids would be a great benefit.
We have started with fundamentally updating our client towards a ReactJS client. An important part of this is to create a more consistent and flexible way to work with multiple instances of an entity on your pages. This will also contain, sorting, paging and searching. This could replace the list view, template grid and data grid.
All this data views, data grids, template grids are long due an upgrade. Along with search/edit functionalities in each
Please combine the features of the listview and the templategrid in one ultimate component.
I would add true responsiveness as well