Opening an Entity in the Modeler 7.16 gives an error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Opening an Entity in the Modeler sometimes gives an error. See picture. The issue is solved in 7.18.1 as far as I could see. In 7.16.0 I was able to open the entity again after a couple of steps. Unfortunately, the steps do not leave the entity untouched, so it might not work for all situations: • Right click the entity and select a generalization. This will remove the system members settings of the entity. As you need to re-add them later on, you should have the model open in 7.18.1 to check what the settings used to be. • Now double click the entity to open it -> now opening works. • Remove the generalization and re-add the system members settings. Now the entity is normal again and can be opened normally. (!) The issue seems to be caused by an index on createdDate (in our case). And here is also the change in the model: you're not able to re-add the index on createdDate or re-add the createdDate to an index. Question: does anybody know a better solution in 7.16.0? Upgrading to 7.18.1 now is not a desired option. Thanks. Toon