In the "Unlocking True Collaboration" learning path(Intermediate level) of mendix academy, in the knowledge check section under the "Using version management" module, for this particular question as follows,
Q: What type of conflict occurs when you and your colleague both modified the microflow implementing the delete behavior? The default correct answer is shown as "Modify-Delete", but I suspect the answer can be "Modify-Modify".
In my understanding of the question, The conflict type that occurs when you and your colleague both modify the microflow by implementing the delete behavior is a "Modify-Modify" conflict, since both parties make changes to the same part of the microflow. But, the default answer is shown as "Modify-Delete".
Please correct me If my understanding is wrong. Thanks in advance.
I guess the answer got fixed recently to Modify-Modify. About 2 weeks ago It was Modify-Delete.
I think you're correct, since neither party actually deleted the document, but both modified the flow. The easiest way to deal with mistakes in learning paths is to use the feedback button on the right, so the responsible Mendix team can fix the issue: