Account Merging Issue. - Mendix Forum

Account Merging Issue.


Just a suggestion:-  Is it possible to change the  system in such a way as if someone is merging two accounts then all the learning point including for both the accounts need to be retained and duplicates thing to be excluded.


Case 1:-
Account 1 :- Course A completed (80%)
Account 2 :- Course A completed (20%)
After merge Account 2 in Account 1 :- Course A (Account-1) %age completion should be retained because %age completion is higher (No learning points should be credited). Learning points should be credited only if any course is completed in Account-2 and not in Account-1

Case 2:-
Account 1 :- Course B completed (80%)
Account 2 :- Course B completed (20%)
After merge Account 1 in Account 2 :- Course B (Account-1) %age
completion should be retained because %age completion is
higher (No learning points should be credited) . Learning points should be credited only if any course is completed in Account-1 and not in Account-2.


Currently we are not retaining the %age completion while merging two or more accounts.



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