Development of an APP using Mindsphere

Hi everyone. I try to produce a program that stores the values of sensors attached to the machine in mindsphere through communication and receives them from the Mendix app.  it’s like “MindSphere(cloud) – Mendix App” To do so, I’m going to put a virtual value in the mindsphere and start by bringing it up to the Mendix. I'm watching "Build a MindSphere app with Mendix" at the Academy, and I'd like to ask if this is appropriate.   Also, please let me know how you can call it through the Mendix app by putting a virtual values in the MindSphere, or if you have a proper lecture.  
1 answers


Typically You Can Create A Device Simulator Using MindConnect NodeJS SDK and Push Device (Sensors) Data to Mindsphere and Then pull Respective IoT Data in Mendix using Mindsphere TimeSeries API. 
