Why is this questions answer FALSE?

Hi, Now I’m studying at Knowledge Check in 9. Securing your App in Become a Rapid Developer Learning Path. https://academy.mendix.com/link/module/96/lecture/816/9.6-Knowledge-Check I can’t understand why  this question's answer is FALSE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 4 A user role must have one or more module roles in every module --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I set no module role at one of the modules at a user role, I saw the error message below. It says “a user role must have one or more module roles in every module”,  doen’t it?
1 answers

The error message is saying that every user role has to have assigned one or more module roles in the module System. But this is only so for module System.

For all other modules this applies: A user role can be assigned to zero or more module roles.
