Question about Crash Course in Learning Academy - how to add a Skill to my app

I’m brand new to Mendix and I’m working through the Crash Course in the Learning Academy. I’ve gotten to Section 10, Reporting Data, Lesson 10.2.1, Create Mock Data. The first step is “Open a browser and go to your app. Add a Skill to your app.” I have no idea what this means. First of all, although the main line of my app is enabled for Mendix Studio, when I go to my app in the browser it opens a new app. I don’t see any of the work that I’ve done in Studio Pro. Is this normal? And, assuming I can see my app in Studio, how do I add a Skill? Thanks!
1 answers

Commit the changes you have made in Studio Pro. Do so via the menu Version Control → Commit (or Alt-c, o).

Then going back to Studio, you will see your changes
