The Academys lesson: [Build an App from an Excel Spreadsheet] went error

Hello, I’m a beginner of the Mendix, and I try to make the same things with the Mendix Academy’s lesson: [Build an App from an Excel Spreadsheet] I had imported the excel data successfully, but in [2.3 Preview the App] when I press the Preview button, The Home page don’t have any [Manage Data] column and I can’t see the data which I put in,  which is been  Is there something wrong ? I choosed the Starting Point [App from a spreadsheet].    
6 answers


I also tried creating the same app using spreadsheets but it is showing same output as above.

The manage data button is not visible on home page.

So you can create that button on home page and can select action ‘show a page’ on click of that button.

You can use data grids and generate the required pages as shown in the image on learning path. Or you can continue to develop the app further using learning path. 


I wanted to play around with the “generate app from spreadsheet” functionality today, but it seems that the app template which Mendix has created is broken. It only creates the domain model and an empty home page. The other pages are not created, even if you have enabled this by selecting “Generate pages for my data” checkbox.

Somebody from Mendix should have a look at this.


The issue in the ‘app from spreadsheet’ flow has just been solved.

Newly created apps using the ‘App from spreadsheet’ starting point will contain all data and pages again.


I can confirm it works again!


And it’s broken again. While trying to create the app I get the page which says “We are building your app”. This takes a while and the it crashes with a Mendix popup saying “An error ocurred while executing microflow”.


configuring the list view does not match instructions. After the part when adding the filter, the List Item Title does not display. Cannot figure out how to get this to display as per instructions. Not sure if it’s broken or not. 
