YouTube Mendix Rapid Developer Course

Is the Mendix Rapid Developer Course on YouTube sufficient enough for the exam? I personally learn faster and remember more from videos like this instead of reading texts in the Learning Paths, I just can't seem to figure out if this is an addition or can also function as a replacement
5 answers

Hi Maeve, 

Welcome to the team.

Yes ofcourse, this will help you very well. 

But In learning path, you have seperate section called Knowledge check which will help us to test ourselves.



I personally find that it is more interesting to learn Mendix through videos.

But in exam point of view, it is better to go through rapid developer course or crash course from Mendix learning path once as it has mock questions that will prepare you for exam.

So both are good.

All the best !!!


As long as you become enthousiastic about Mendix, got your head straight on your shoulder, and take your first dives into the creation of applications with it, it will only be a matter of weeks before you can pass the Rapid Developer Exam. Doing some Academy Learning paths, type Basic, then, like Stella says, they end with some questions. Those give you a good indication on what the exam will be ilke.

Btw. the exam has no timelimit.


Hi Maeve, 

i also prefer learning form videos rather then from module but i found out in the module it is explained in much brief 

and also their is knowledge check where you can check how much you have understood from the module and grow through the module again if u score less marks.  


Hi Maeve, 

I also grasp quickely from videos but in mendix learning path they have covered every topic in detail so Exam point of view you must go with learning path content .Also there is Knowledge check test so that will definately help you.
