Learning Path Importing and Exporting Your Data

Hi everyone, I’m currently doing the Importing and Exporting Your Data Learning Path. When I download Excel Importer and Mx Model Reflection Apps (4.1) and configure it as the security requirments and learning path says, the application shows these errors. It seems that there are pages which haven’t been created when the modules were imported. I added a screenshot below. Regards, Javier.  
2 answers

Hi Javier,

The version of model reflection isn’t compatible with Mendix 9, try using a higher version of the module.

Also, I would recommend to use the same mendix version used in the learning path to avoid such issues.


Hi,  Javier Polo Durán

The version issue is there.I would recommend to do this module in Mendix 8.18.3 version.It will work.

