Reset a learning path / module

Hi there, is there a way to reset a learning path or a module in Mendix Academy? I started the “Become a Rapid Developer” learning path a few months ago.  Well, life got in the way and I am not 100% sure if I still remember everything I discovered at that time. Is there a way to start “anew” and also “delete” what I have developed so far?
2 answers

Hi Philipp, as far as I know, there is no way for us to reset our progress in learning paths. 
Nevertheless you can always go back and open a learning path again and read through the single chapters and modules again. 

If you just want to read and learn again, this should not be a problem


Also, you can create a new app to practice from scratch. Especially if you've applied security in the previous app, your learning effect will be better if you start over again!
