Academy course not working for me

Hey there, trying to go through the Academy course “Become a rapid developer”. But starting in chapter 6, where it comes to Mendix Studio Pro, the whole course seems to be a little outdated. Interfaces look quite different and the advice in the course doesn’t work anymore. e.g. in lesson 6.8.2 (Nest Data) in step # 5 and #6 it asks to double click on an item in the Connector tab. Double clicking does nothing else than opening this collapsible. I tried to do it directly in the data view but still the required options (see screenshot from Academy course) are not there. I could choose one or the other, not both as suggested by the course. This is what the course asks for: This is what Mendix Studio Pro offers me: Can anyone help? Thank you.   ps: also Mendix Studio Pro 8.18.5 is not an option in the version drop down of this post (????)
4 answers

Hi Philipp,

You should use the Database option. If you notice the entity path, it is over an association. So the way it works is that it will retrieve all the Registration records from database which are associated with the parent TrainingEvent object.



You should do like this


Hi all, the image which course asks appears when you use a Connector tab in your Studio Pro (it is located close to the Properties and Toolbox tab). Select a list view, then you'll see in the Connector available associations and entities. Click on the required entity and drag and drop it over the list view, then you'll see the image you shared. 


The other ways to set the data source, suggested in answers, are also correct. The course however lets you experience the ease of use of Connector tab ;-) 


Did exactly that and do not get this window. Either one or the other, not both options:
