Mx Academy is misleading in module 10

The current module 10 of the Become A Rapid Developer course seems to be faulty. It is not possible to build the Share functionality for the example app using the Nanoflow Commons share functionality, as it reverts to an error which is not resolvable.  Quite disappointing – would be great if the course would be adjusted, so far the only option for me is to read the info but not implement it as it’s not working as described.
3 answers

Did you cut and paste the strings exactly as they are? 

If you did, you may have the wrong format quotes as it looks like the page has changed them to be print friendly, but not cut and paste friendly.

Make sure the start and end characters for each string parameter is really a single quote without any styling. 

(I had to this when I tried cut and pasting from the page, and it works when you do that).


@Quang Nhat Tran, sorry for the late response, was busy quite a bit.

I am referring to module 10 (Going Mobile), chapter 10.4 (Nanoflows), lesson 10.4.3 (Sharing Information via Mobile Social Channels), step 4

Entering this info from the course …

… didn’t work for me (in Mendix Studio Pro 9.1.1). It lead to the following errors:

Here are my settings:



Hm, still no response nor solution to this. Basically the “share” functionality is not “buildable” with this error persisting
