Create an App with Advanced Page Building

Hello,   I completed learning path Create an App with Advanced Page Building but I am not sure now if I am missing something or learning path is wrong. I am unable to create new Request at Request_Wizard_Step2. Button ‘New’ opens page RequestLine_NewEdit but refrence selector is empty and on the next page Request_Wizard_Step3 Title is in read-only state. It is at 4.4.1 step of this course. Have I missed someghing?   best regars Kamil
1 answers


The Request gets created on Request_Waizard_Step1, where you need to add the Title and Description. At Step2, you are creating a RequestLine, so, you need not display the Request, it should be passed on as a parameter from Step1, you cannot choose a Request. At Step2, just enter the RequestLine details i.e. “What Items you want” and their price. AT Step3, of course the Title will be Read-Only, since its a review page for the Request. The Instructions in the learning path at this steps are very short and a bit confusing, hence you missed this point. Do let me know, if you need any further assistance
