Only Atributes of type Hashed string, Integer, Long String.....are allowed - NO DATE Attibute -But Date attribute can not be choosen as Attribute adding into a page!

Using Course Book PAGE 165     - Adding Atributes for Member_New_Edit page. The course book has no consistency or what´s missing here. Birthday is defined as Date Time Attribute of Parameter MEMEBER   Thx for response & support for beginners   
3 answers

You currently have the textbox “Member ID” selected. Dates cannot be shown in a textbox, they have their own widget called the “datepicker”. If you click somewhere inside the “Member” data view without clicking on a textbox, you will be able to select the “birth” attribute and add it to your page by selecting it from the “connector” pane.

Alternatively you can manually add a widget and select the date picker. You can then also select the birth attribute in the datepicker's settings.



Thank you Eline, It´s working!

You're right!



You're right!

Wrote answers marked as accepted
