Problems understanding the Learning path Expand-Your-Domain-Modeling-Skills

Hello developers. I'm doing training on Mendix, and there are issues on the Learning path that I'm having a hard time understanding, either because I understand the wrong translation, or because I have a wrong interpretation of the problem. Some questions: Inside the path Expand-Your-Domain-Modeling-Skills, in module 2.3.1, in step 3, there is a comment about The before event handler. However, I couldn't understand if that was just a comment, if it was to create a new microflow, or if it was to change the Event Handler from After to Before. I didn't understand what I was supposed to do there. Another question: Still in "Expand-Your-Domain-Modeling-Skills", in module 2.4.1, in step 8, mentions the widget "reference selector". However, it doesn't specify exactly where this widget should be loaded (or I don't understand where). I will be very grateful if you can offer me a degree of understanding, or if I could download any projects from Mendix as a reference.   The modules are marked with the issues hyperlinks. Links below also:
1 answers

“Inside the path Expand-Your-Domain-Modeling-Skills, in module 2.3.1, in step 3, there is a comment about The before event handler. However, I couldn't understand if that was just a comment, if it was to create a new microflow, or if it was to change the Event Handler from After to Before. I didn't understand what I was supposed to do there.” : the paragraph “The before event handler” only describes the before event handler and explains that the before event handler is an alternative to the after event handler. And it describes the differences between the two.

As you say you are using a translation, then I think this paragraph is quite hard for the translator to translate because of the terms “before event handler” and “after event handler”.

“where this widget should be loaded“ They mean the reference selector that is already on the screen, the one with the label ‘Captain’:
