Why is there a one-to-many relationship between Task entity and SLAStatus entity in SLA use case

Hi, forum, I encountered a little confusion when I was learning the "Build an App in Mendix Studio" learning path,that's Why is there a one-to-many relationship between Task entity and SLAStatus entity. Shouldn't there be only one SLA status at the end of each task?Has anyone encountered the same confusion as me?
2 answers

Because the status is an enumeration, which means it’s a collection of constant, static strings. And a Task, can and will normally go trough different of these Statuses, f.e. from “Doing” to “Finished”. So a Task can have many statuses. But each status is, in this model, only given to one Task.

Hence: one-to-many.


I think it should be the other way round, that is a slaStatus is one to many with task. That is because a task can have only one SLA Status, either met the SLA or not. However, one SLA status can be associated with many tasks, e.g. task1 and task2 and task3 have SLA status of “Met SLA” while tasks 4, 5 and 6 have the other SLA status.
