What was most hard in Mendix Project with deadline for you?

Hello developers, I’m beginner in Mendix Projects. I would like know, as student and future developer mendix, the main common issues with deadline projects (for you), for I mount a optimizated learning grid. If everybody take your personal gap issue with deadline project, maybe I’ll get the the best pattern for mount a learning grid.   Why I’m do this question? I was finished the Rapid Developer Learning Path and othes learning paths. My before experience as developer make me realize that is not enough the theorical knowledge and documentation for good experience developer. However, when us combine the documentation with tips experience in real projects is much better like student habit.   So…. What was most hard in Mendix Project with deadline for you? 
1 answers

If there’s anything new in your project that you have not worked on before, then yes it may get harder as unexpected results/errors can occur and you need to solve them.
Also, if you have to extend the functionality with external libraries, then it gets a bit complex.
For example, creating Bluetooth connections from a Mendix app either web or native mobile. Doing it for the first time was challenging. Many other examples could be there, like creating an advanced UI based on CSS/SCSS
