is not working as described in book: BUILDING LOW CODE Applications with MENDIX

Dear Forum I have some hurdles by using the Course book by Micah McMullen PAGE 248 in Training book – creating and using an API via the movie data base is not working properly.  Is there something like a pittfal? Message type occurs by testing:   ( Nevertheless tried out by several times by different browsers (Edge, Firefox) – No add blocker in there ) Error: Network Error Check the developer tools console, it might have more information on the error. If you are using an Ad blocker, it is possible your Ad blocker is blocking the request. on   testing with  a similar result  ….. in Course Boob page 251  (using  the results is not given in the same way)     "success": false,     "status_code": 34,     "status_message": "The resource you requested could not be found."   Thank you in advance for assistance, Felix  
3 answers

Hey Felix,

First off, thanks for buying the book! Hope it is helping you!

It looks like it is an issue with The Movie DBs website. A google search on the 503 error you are receiving shows a number of forum posts of people experiencing the same issue. I get the same response when I try it myself. Bummer!

That said, those steps in the book are entirely optional. They were just added in there to help you get a feel for the api before jumping into postman or in Mendix. 

Everything seems to work fine once you move over to Postman on page 250 and 251. I just gave it a quick test.  

If you have any other questions or issue, please feel free to dm me on the mendix slack channel or linked in, I’m happy to help! 

Happy modeling!



The API might have changed, so you'll have to check what the new endpoint for calling the API is. Can you show us a screenshot of your current API call?

It seems like the endpoint you'll need would be “”  where you'll still need to enter your API key and search query. The end result would look something like<<api_key>>&query=<<yoursearchterms>>


Dear Eline,

if i use «  »  or not it doesn´t matter unfortunately –  the key was generated by using the

refering to the book page 247

There is a page to test this (like using to work with the GET variable. But could it be the case that the movie db it is not producing a valid key any longer?

Just to be aware if the procedure is course book is still the right one.


Thank you for your support !
