Missing module roles selection

Hello Community, I’m currently trying out the Mendix Academy trainings and I have stumbled upon a problem in the Securing Data chapter. In Setting up Entity Access I’m missing the module roles in the dialogue. If I check the Select All option, I am able to apply the rule to the roles. I just can’t select just one role as I don’t see them.   Any help more than welcome… thanks in advance.   Lenka  
2 answers

Seems like you display resolution is bugging you.

try to change the display resolution to a higher/lower resolution and see what happens.


Maybe you can use as a workaround:

Click Select / deselect all and then use

  • [Shift-Tab]
  • [Arrow up/Down] [Space]
  • [Arrow up/Down] [Space]


to (de)select one or more roles (without having direct visual feedback..)?
