Build a Powerful Wokflow: Unable to import Mendix SSO and Workflow Commons (Medix Studio Pro 9.3.0)

DEAR SUPPORT,   Same as in former Versions….28 ERRORS RELATED TO NOT LONGER EXISTS LAYOUTS of MODULE MENDIXSSO See related blog: LEARNING PATH Build a Powerful Wokflow: Unable to import Mendix SSO and Workflow Commons (Medix Studio Pro 9.1.1)    Is there a valid solution path that works properly? ThX,
4 answers

Hi Felix, 

If you double click each error, it will take you to the page where you can change the layout (Right click > Properties > change layout). Changing the layout to one that exists in the project will fix the issue. 

Another tool you can try is the batch update layout option here. 


Dear Austin

unfortunately not able to select the right option ( no layout possible to select)

right click and properties to change layout it´s even not possible too,,,,What is my wrong path here ?


Dear Felix, 

You have to go the Properties of the Page, which is giving error. You can do that by  clicking the page in the Project explorer and see the properties window. If you are not able to see the properties window, go the the top Menu ->View->Properties. The properties window will open on the right side. It will show the properties of whatever object you have selected. 

In this properties window, select a different layout



This is Page Properties Window
