Can we change user story points once the sprint is done

  Hi all, I have edited in user story point for last sprint but I unable to see those additional points in burndown chart. Please let me know can we change user story points once the sprint is done? If so let me know how can I do  
2 answers

While I understand why you'd want to see that, I also understand why this isn't taken into account right now – Sprintr works with the scrum methodology. In this methodology, you're supposed to estimate your story points before the sprint starts, and regardless of whether or not the actual amount of work was higher is not taken into account. The theory is that:

  1. You will estimate some stories to be too small and some to be too big, so it will average out
  2. Over time, you'll learn from the stories you estimated poorly and estimate them more accurately in the future

So if you and your team are also working with Scrum, I would recommend against changing the story points retroactively, but instead focusing on making better estimations in the future.


I do not know if i understand your question correctly but there is a possibility to make changes to completed sprints.

Go to Sprintr → Stories and click on the "More” button.
Here you can select "Completed Sprints".
There you can see all your completed sprints of the project that you're working on.
Select a sprint and select the story you would like to change.
Click "View Details” and change everything you would like to change.

I hope this information is helpfull enough! :)

