Explanation required on Dropbox usage in rapid development course

Hi everyone currently going throught the rapid developer course. I’m at the section : 4.8 Associations in the Domain Model When at the stage of creating a dropbox widget using the data coming from the other entities,  I include the dropbox without issue in the container. However when I want to link an attribute, no choice is proposed. I see that the “title” attribute that I’m supposed to link is a string type. The dropbox widget seems to only accept Enumeration and Association. BUt asssociation is what I’m trying to do…   when I try to create a new attribute in this other entity (course) it works. But Impossible to map to an existing one…    any idea of why?  
4 answers


The issue seems to be with the associations in the domain model. Kindly check carefully the directions of all the associations, if it is as per the domain model shown in section 4.8.1



Thanks for your answer.

I checked this. the funny part is that it is working when I create a new attribute from the window.

I just can’t map to an existing one.

and here is the screen blank…




Congratulations, you have found a bug.

But I have news for you; This bug has been reported today to Mendix and they fixed it :-) 



lol Rene

We don’t earn badges for finding bugs ? ;)

Communities are the best, we are the free UAT testers ;)
