Problem with Selected Module Role on tutorial 9.2 User and Module Roles

After I finish “9.2 User and Module Roles” tutorial it gives me this errors below: Where could I fix this? I’ve changing the security documents both on App and MyFirstModule, creating roles for Admins, Trainees and Teachers.      
2 answers

Admins, Trainees and Teachers, yes, but you have no module role ‘User’ in module ‘MyFirstModule’. You have two options to solve these errors:

  1. Create module role ‘User’ in module ‘MyFirstModule’ or
  2. Remove the module role ‘User’ from each place where it still used. For instance in Trainee_Overview. go to it properties and go to Visible. There you will find ‘User’. Remove it. Do the same for all others.

Finally found what’s going on. My error is right on the first steps…

Instead of configuring Security from Demo to Production and after that proceed to deleting all roles as says the tutorial, I leave on Demo/prototype mode the whole time, preventing me to view the right tab. Now I’m without errors.

Indeed, thanks Tim van Steenbergen for your patience to answer!
