Unable to use Workflow Commons Module: Build a powerful workflow learning path

Hello all! I’m working through the “Build a powerful workflow” learning path, and I’m having some trouble getting myself set up on this step of the learning path.  I’m using Mendix studio pro version 9.6.0, and I appear to have Atlas_Core, Atlas_Web_Content and DataWidgets installed, which are the three components of the Atlas 3 pre-requisite.    I’ve downloaded the Workflow Commons module from the marketplace and saved the module files to a new folder in my file explorer, the same that I did for Atlas 3.   But I’m still not able to view the workflow commons under app Explorer > app > Marketplace Modules in Mendix Studio Pro. What else do I need to do to use a new marketplace module in my app?
1 answers

You have placed it in the wrong place. In the right hand corner of Mx pro you have a shopping cart:

Click it and find the module and use the download button there. It will then end up in your project.




