Intermediate certification examination

Hi, I hope you are doing good. If anybody completed with intermediate certification examination, could you please help us with the question pattern, and list of topics to cover pass %? And any guidelines to score easily?
2 answers

The intermediate is a proctored exam with 50 multiple choice questions.

As preparation take the intermediate learning paths at 
Each learning path module ends with a knowledge check. These knowledge checks reflect the type, level and phrasing of questions you can expect during the exam.

Having 4-6 weeks of project experience a longside these learning paths will be sufficient preparation.

Good luck!


Do every academy course, take part in Mendix projects, preferably a scrum team, exchange knowledge with fellow Business consultants, follow live-builds on and try to add sensible answers to forum-questions. Don’t yet specialise, but make sure you get experience in the entire Mendix spectrum, from interface to UI, from nanoflows to warning- and error-messages. After half a year or so, you will do fine on the intermediate exam.
