Scope of Mendix Developer

I am a beginner in Mendix. I have completed the basic and intermediate courses on Mendix through learning paths. I wanted to know what is the scope of a Mendix Developer as compared to a Full Stack Developer.
1 answers

Define the scope of a full stack developer ;-)
But seriously, that definition doesn’t exist either and/or a lot of debate is on this too.

My opinion regarding a Mendix developer is as follows;

An advanced Mendix developer must be able to model a Mendix app using the main DSLs and understand the impact

  1. Domain model
    1. (de)Normalization
    2. Security
    3. Validations
  2. Microflows/nanoflows
    1. Use of default activities
    2. Effective use/able to optimize
    3. Unit based development
    4. Correct fault handling
  3. Pages
    1. Datasources
    2. Display information vs. data
    3. UX principals
    4. Applying available styling
    5. Web/PWA/Native modeling
  4. General
    1. XPath
    2. Expressions
  5. Integration
    1. How to model integration
    2. Common integration scenarios
    3. Error handling


Next to this Mx Developers can specialize on many topics

  1. Creating custom
    1. Styling web and/or Native
    2. Java
    3. Widgets Web and or Native
  2. Technical specializations
    1. more complex integration scenarios
    2. Team center
    3. MindSphere/Azure/Amazon/….
  3. Consultancy/Project management skills
  4. Team management
  5. Testing
  6. … everything I forgot….