Glossary of mendix definitions

Does there exist some kind of explanation list of all the words that are used for specific mendic purposes. Regards, Sjoerd
3 answers

Mendix is pretty weill documented at It does not have a glossary, but the search-functions covers both docs, forum, marketplace and academy.


No, not that I am aware of. But the modeler will give you a warning if you are are using a restricted word. Any reason why you want to have this list?






Regarding the effort estimate query, when I took the Become a Rapid Developer classroom course, I remember our trainer mentioning that the effort was set using Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …) – you’ll see these numbers in the points that you can select for each story) but there was not much more details shared about how to choose if it is 3 points or 5.

The only guidance I remember being given was that, making a good estimate of the effort will be a result of team maturity: as you work in the team, estimating the efforts of the stories and prioritizig them based on the points, you will be more and more accurate in your estimates.

I was going through my notes from the course and also through the other courses I’ve taken in the Learning paths but unfortunately, was not able to find the part where this was mentioned.

If anyone has this info, please share :)
