Running app from Rapid Developer Tutorial in Mendix Studio Pro

Hello, I am running the Rapid Developer tutorial from the Acadamy. I have got to chapter 6 where the action switches from Studio to Studio Pro. There are several things that I am confused by. Running my app: running the app locally does not work. I get a few warnings (eg “MxAdmin user with username 'MxAdmin' does not exist!” – who is MxAdmin?) and finally an error of “com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired: 30001/30000 ms     at com.mendix.util.classloading.Runner$.withContextClassLoader(Runner.scala:23)” Is this due to a firewall problem on the PC? There is also a warning of “The runtime has been started using a trial license, the framework will be terminated when the maximum time is exceeded!”. Can someone point to me what the usage limits are for Acadamy? Finally, being the adventurous sort, I wanted to change the language from US English to UK English. Added the language, set completeness, made UK default,  And then I get an error – Empty caption in page “tabPage2”, which is not a page I have created for the app. This is frustrating – I don’t mind fixing my errors but not errors in pages I have not touched.  
1 answers

Time limit is 3 hours. Then your app goes into sleep-mode. It will wake up whenever someone calls your app and waking up will cost about 20 seconds, during which your user will see a message “ waking up...”.

For the language error message, you can switch off ‘check completeness’ here:
