Missing Mendix solution file from Intermediate Mendix Academy course https://academy.mendix.com/link/paths/59/Expand-Your-Domain-Modeling-Skills

  Hi all, I am currently studying courses of the Mendix Academy. Some of the courses have Mendix solution files, which are very useful as a reference, and analysing the required solutions.  But for https://academy.mendix.com/link/paths/59/Expand-Your-Domain-Modeling-Skills this file is missing,  is it possible to receive the solution Mendix file ?     -- Basic question : At 3.3.2. Build a Scoring System:  how to open  the Soccer Squad SNP_Match_Details snippet. ? What is this ?   Thanks in advance for any help !
4 answers

You should have created that snippet in lecture 2.4.2, point 7

Best way to find your documents in the model is ctrl-g and search




Thanks for the response.


Still having problems  . . . . .  at 2.4.1. Team pages,  sub 6:

  1. Entering data for Stadium:  presumably data entry on the “Team”-input page (see below),  correct ?
  1. When yes, which Widget or Building block to select to be able to fill data ?  If “flex container”, where to find ? 
  2. Is it possible to enter data on one page for 2 related entities (in this case Team and Stadium) ? (For “Players” it is done in a separate page)


Thanks for the help in advance !


Kind regards,



I still hope that someone would be so kind to provide a correct workout of this Mendix course, for reference and learning.

The theory is clearly explained, but at 2.4 Advanced page techniques are used, which seems not to have extended guidance and the used workflows could be doublechecked with a workout.

Kind regards 



Thanks a lot,  Rene   

Hartelijk dank !

(It annoys me when I can not things get working as shown)
