Difference between Modules and Widgets

Hello :)  What is the difference between widgets and modules? easy explained? i know how to use them, where to get them but never understood the real difference between  them?  Modules = more backend, like sso , Excelimporter etc? Widgets  = more frontend , like checkbox selector, charts , calender etc?
3 answers

widgets are only front end, i.e. can only be used on pages.

modules can include one or more widgets, but can also have server side features like microflows, java actions, scheduled events, etc. in addition to domain models for data usage.


thanks mike.


You have the concept right.

A module is a grouped set of functionality. In that module you could have data, logic, pages, even widgets included. When we want to deliver backend, end-to-end, or even a package of front-end functionality, that could all come in the form of a module. 

A widget is a UI component that can be used on a page. You’ve got that right.
