Rapid Dev Pathway, Module 6, At least one role must be selected.... Where am I going wrong? Code: CE0557

Hi, this is the second time I have had this issue and I am quite unsure of how to rectify it. The last time it occured I decided to start the pathway again, thinking I had done something incorrectly. Once I get to module 6.8 and go through the steps I get 2 error messages, consisting of the same statement and they refer to the two pages I have been working on. ‘At least one allowed role must be selected if the page is used from navigation or a button’ Code: CE0557 Pages: Registration_NewEdit & TrainingEvent_Registration_Overview I have went to the security setting in ‘MyFirstModule’ and changed these for the two pages causing the issue, which ultimately causes more errors. Note: any changed settings were changed back.
1 answers

Hey there, in general:

  • At least one allowed role must be selected
    • Within your properties of the page there is an option called “visible for”
    • Make sure you select all roles that should be allowed onto the page here
  • Errors that might pop-up after that can be related to the read/write rights of the roles with regards to the entities/attributes on your page
    • These can be set through the domain model
      • click on the entity
      • go to the access rules tab
      • add an access rule for the applicable roles
      • set the attributes to either read or read/write

This in it’s basics should help you a lot :)

PS: do also check if your module roles are selected for the applicable user roles (APP explorer > security)
