I have taken my Rapid Developer certification on past company’s Mendix account and now I have to take my intermediate developer certification on new company Mendix account. But I am not able to redeem my voucher in new Mendix Account as Rapid Developer is mandatory and which is not updated here . Is there way I can merge accounts and reflect in My New Mendix Account that I have completed the Rapid

I have taken my Rapid Developer certification on past company’s Mendix account and now I have to take my intermediate developer certification on new company Mendix account. But I am not able to redeem my voucher in new Mendix Account as Rapid Developer is mandatory and which is not updated here . Is there way I can merge accounts and reflect in My New Mendix Account that I have completed the Rapid developer exam .
1 answers

You can merge your accounts.

See https://docs.mendix.com/developerportal/community-tools/mendix-profile/


