Tooltip with content in bullet points

Hi Mendix community, I have a requirement where i had to show list of items from a listview in bullet points on hover of a button. Currently i am using React Tooltip widget to show tool tip where it can show only a single atribute value. Can someone suggest some widget which can satisfy my requirement?
2 answers

Hi Preethi Paramesh,
You could use Bootstrap Tool Tip Widget from the marketplace. This widget allows you to render your content as HTML. It indeed is published by mendix itself.

If you have more time and want more control on what you can Customize on your tool tip . You create your own tooltip Component using the Html Snippet widget and Some CSS.
Place your html snippet widget inside a child Container(Parent container will have the data widgets). Give a class name for the container (Mytooltip)

write CSS for placement of the tooltip and add display:none; by default. 

Now on hover of any data widget, add a hover class CSS and target the Tool tip class and make enable the display property. 
So whenever you are hovering, the display property of the tool tip Container will be enabled.

Hope it helps!!!



Hi Preethi Paramesh,


Please try with below widgets,
