Compilation of Java actions failed

Hello Mendix Friends, I can’t run the Demo project on leanrning path : Constrain your Data using Advanced XPath, the warning message is : Compilation of Java actions failed. Has anyone been able to fix the problem? Thanks in advance.  
2 answers

My best guess would be that the package you downloaded from the Learning Path is a different version from Mendix Studio Pro (Version 8.12.0) than where you opened it in. 


Try opening the package in the Mx Studio version listed at the Learning Path.


Core.execute was deprecated in Mendix 8.6, so you are using a version of Community Commons from an earlier version of Mendix.

You have two options. The first is to open the tutorial in an older version of Mendix that supports Core.execute, the second is to upgrade to the latest version of Community Commons that doesn’t need Core.execute. 

I would suggest trying option two and downloading a newer version of Community Commons to see if that fixes the issue. If it doesn't you’ll have to open the application with an older version of Mendix.

Good luck!
