Stuck on Learning path: Build a powerful workflow. Step 7.1.1 Autogenerated microflow is missing
I am currently following the learning path on how to build an app using a workflow. For step 7.1.1 I needed to add a user task to a workflow, give it a specific caption, use XPath to contrain the user to the manager role and create a page on the display information tab by setting a page name, set navigation layout to AtlasDefault and use the User Task Exctended template. After that I arrive at the following step in the proces: At this point, the workflow consists of a single User task. However, there is one consistency error that still needs to be solved. It requires the access rules to be set for the microflow DS_WorkflowUserTask_GetWF_OnboardingContext. This microflow was not there initially, but it was generated along with creation of the page SpecifyDevice_Workflow. Because the SpecifyDevice_Workflow was generated based on the template, and this template needs a context information, this context information is fetched from the microflow DS_WorkflowUserTask_GetWF_OnboardingContext. The access to this microflow must be granted to the same role (Manager) who has the access to the SpecifyDevice_Workflow page. Note that the DS_WorkflowUserTask_GetWF_OnboardingContext microflow is generated only once!, and each of the generated pages that will be used by User task elements in your workflow will use this microflow. The microflow DS_WorkflowUserTask_GetWF_OnboardingContext has not been generated and I cannot find it anywhere. I tried retracing my steps and looking on the forum where I only found a person asking the same thing without a useable answer. The only answer I can think of is that something is different between the version I am using and the one that is being used in the example. Does anyone know how I can fix this? And if all else fails, maybe someone can send me what the microflow is supposed to be so I can work it out from there. Thanks in advance
Joop Moons
1 answers
I just saw your comment and thought it would be good to add that learning paths are generally made for specific studio pro versions. In the listed version, the screenshots will match and the descriptions of features will match. You may try and use a different version of studio pro, but then there will likely be inconsistencies that might make it harder to follow the learning path.
You can see which studio pro version a learning path is built for here: