Advance domain model skills LP

Currently working on the learning path “Advance domain model skills, and on the section 2 (2. Inheritance - being special and one of a kind) on the page person_overview, we should be able by clicking on player to see a list of persons, this list should show, players, staff and default members, but I just see players on my list view when running locally. So my question is: how can I configure the template for specialization in order to see all of them in the same list view?        
2 answers

Hi Constanza,


You might want to check your access rules in your ‘Staff’ entity. My guess would be that the list view is correct, but that you only have read access to the ‘Player’ entity.


Hopefully, this helps!


Do you have staff records in the database?

I would test this by adding an extra listview in the same page and set Staff entity as datasource. If they appear in that list, they should appear in the Person listview with or without template for Staff.

So when they are not showing Then I would check if you have a constrained on your listview datasource.

If not, then you have found magic. And requires more detailed information on the model.
