Mendix private cloud pending installation

Hello, i’m following the learning path of Mendix for Private Cloud from the learning path in mendix academy. I followed the steps and finish installing the base installation, but the status is stuck on pending. Checking the pods in kubernetes shows that the mendix base installation succeed:    i’m using microk8s. kubectl is using the microk8s.kubectl, aliased as kubectl using snapd and symlinked to /usr/bin/kubectl   Edit: log from microk8s on the agent shows  time="2023-01-12T03:30:58Z" level=error msg="connection failed" error="dial tcp: lookup on server misbehaving" interactor URL="wss://" On operator: License manager scheduler failed to load config {"Error": "server configuration is undefined"} update: I misconfigured the dns service of microk8s, now the  operator works fine. The agent still have problem, where it uses different dns services than the operator.
3 answers

Found the solution: firewalld is messing with the DNS request inside the pods (tried to nslookup inside the pods, but failed to do so). Adding “firewall-cmd --add-masquerade --permanent” and reloading it using “firewall-cmd --reload” solves the issue.


Hi Mikhael,


It looks to me that the Gateway Agent is not able to connect. Please look at this learning path / course to setup the connectivity and Gateway:


Go Make It


I also have this problem, but in the pod, there are no firewall commands, nor curl, nor wget to test. any other way to resolve?
