Learning mendix basics

hi , while I am trying to add attribute in list view. on clicking list viwe and then on properties , I am trying to click on add. but its displaying  “to use attribute move the widget in data view or list view”? unable to add attribute. anyone help? heres the attached image of the error and I see this is already listed in list view
3 answers

Hi Meenal,



Edit properties:


Change to {1} and click “Edit” 

Click “New” and select the Attribute or Attribute over the association.


Go make it


Hi Meenal,

You can either the method suggested by Marco or,

you can click in the listview and then you can drag-drop the particular attribute from the connector tab into the listview.

You can refer to the image below, for the connector tab

In the connector tab you can find all the attributes to add, as soon as you click in the listview.


Let me know if you face any issues,

Hope it helps!





To add any attributes in the page, it has to be inside a dataview/ listview. To understand better on Mendix look at the below vidoes

Mendix Build From Scratch - YouTube
