Intermediate Exam

Hii Everyone I gave Intermediate exam on thursday I got  84% score also received the report of overall performance but still haven’t received E-mail regarding certification can anyone tell me how much  time it will take to reflect or what is the issue ?
2 answers

Hi Pranali,

Thank you for your message.


We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties processing exams. Our development team is working on fixing the issue as soon as possible.

You will receive an email with your exam results once this is resolved from our side. We hope to reach that point by the end of next week.

We understand how eager you are to know your results and rest assured we are doing everything we can to solve this mishap as soon as possible.


Sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused. If you have any further questions, please reach out


Hi Pranali,

When you go to hit the Get Certified button.


This will bring you to an overview page with all examens you took.

Hope this will help.

