What are essential topics in the Mendix Portfolio Guidlines?

According to the Mendix Expert certification guideline you have to show a Mendix portfolio. Each project should show ‘The five most essential topics covered’. This requirement is however not visible in the Portfolio example document.   Anybody an idea about what type of topics to mention?    
1 answers

Hi Peter, 

It's been a while since I've handed in my portfolio but if I look at the requirements the most important thing to do when applying for an expert certification is to demonstrate what you did as an expert. I saw this list of topics you need to demonstrate in the project you will be refering to: 


  • User Experience
  • Security
  • Architecture
  • Performance
  • Integration
  • Team Leading

Make sure to demonstrate how you handled each topic and elaborate on the complexitity you have faced and how you solved it.

Try to incorporate these topics in a flowing matter so that it's also nice to read for your assessor :-) 


Hope this helps! Give me a call if you would like to discuss this in more detail!
