How to assign one attribute value to another attribute in mendix?

How to assign one attribute value to another attribute in mendix?
2 answers

Lets say you have 2 entities – Pacific and Atlantic and they both have string attributes with the following names:  Pacific.String1 and Atlantic.String2.  In a microflow, if you retrieve one Pacific object and one Atlantic object, you could put in a change action for Pacific and assign attribute String1 the following value:  $AtlanticObj.String2.

Does that help?


assume 2 attributes belong to an entity.
in the microflow when you have an object of this entity, in one of the spots you can do a Change object activity in which you do the the required changes like below:

In the change object activity you can first select the object in the drop down.

click on new to add attribute 1, set its value to $object/attribute2 – this sets attribute 2 value to attribute 1

same you can repeat for other types too.
Only condition is: attributes should be of same type.


see this documentation:
