No read access error while having read access

Hi, I am following the Rapid Developer course and on part 10.3.2 I get an error: When I look at the entity access rights they seem to be correctly set: Why is this error happening and what is the solution?
2 answers

The popup you are showing is the Popup to configure the Access rules for MyFirstModule.TrainingEvent entity while the error is for the MyFirstModule.Location entity.

So open the Location entity and do the same Access Rule configuration for all your Module Roles (or for the needed module roles) just the way you did for the TrainingEvent Entity


Think of it this way: since each Entity is nothing but a Table in the underlying Relational Database, you are configuring RULES in such a way that who can do what(read, write or both or none) in each such table


Good luck


The solution was covered in the next steps of the training.
I had not set the module security yet.
