
Hi all,   I'm new in and a bit lost for a simple challenge, I think. I would like to record as many logs as I like per customer in one form with questions which has to be answered with yes/no. So in summary: one customer can have lots of logs   The domain model includes to entities: customer with lots of attributes like Name, address etc. and a log with attributes to answer questions.  They are connected by a 1...x association.    I didnt get well with the example which is shown on Mendix:   I think its really easy, but I am a beginner and need some help.   Kind regards Chrissi
1 answers

way to approach this would be to create a database with two tables: one for the customer entity and one for the log entity. The customer table would have a unique identifier (such as a customer ID), as well as fields for the customer's attributes like name and address. The log table would also have a unique identifier (such as a log ID), as well as fields for the questions that need to be answered with yes/no.

