An error occurred while executing action Execute DDL commands.

com.mendix.m2ee.api.AdminException: Executing DDL commands failed.     at com.mendix.basis.component.internal.LocalComponentImpl.executeDDLCommands(LocalComponentImpl.scala:103) Caused by: com.mendix.basis.connectionbus.ConnectionBusException: Error (SQL State: 42501, Error Code: -5501) on executing: ALTER TABLE "myfirstmodule$hr_department" DROP COLUMN "emailid".   Hi folks,       I am new to Mendix, I want your help with an error I am encountering while running my application locally on Mendix Studio pro. Please recommend some solutions for this runtime error.  Thank you.
1 answers

Hi vishwanath,


It seems that Mendix is trying to execute some DDL commands on the database in SQL that failed. 

In what type of database are you trying to run?


You can try to run in the built-in database first before trying any other type.


Kind regards,

