Mendix Intermediate certification

Good morning, i wanted some information for passing that certification; the intermediate corse is composed by 15/16  learning paths,   -Unlocking true collaboration -costrain your data using xpath -create an app with advanced page building -building an event app using microflow -expand your domain modeling skills -importing and exporting your data -understand the value of user experience -difference between UX,UI and frontend -style your app with sass -define your app design -make effective widget choices -implement a design system -build a powerful workflow -crate and share data between apps using the data hub catalog -govern and scala your app landscape with mendix control center   Which of these paths are necessary to pass the certification? Are all ot theme needed to pass the certification, ora can some be explored even after certification is obtained?   Thanks for the reply   Sig.Nicolò Gazzi
2 answers

Hi Nicolo, 

All paths are usefull ofcourse but the exam guide states that you should at least follow these paths:


And the following topics will be covered in the exam: 


  • Project roles & responsibilities
  • Constraining data with XPath
  • Page design with AtlasUI
  • Project Directory unfolded
  • Structuring your project with Sub microflows
  • Rules
  • System members
  • List operations
  • Client notifications
  • Multi-lingual front-end
  • Anonymous users
  • Security


If you want to discuss it more in depth, let me know! Hope this helps and good luck! 


Last information, once registered for certification, do they notify them on what date to take the exam?Last information, once registered for certification, do they notify them on what date to take the exam?
