When working with Scrum, who is responsible for making sure a project is successful?

I answerd "the scrum master" for the following question "When working with Scrum, who is responsible for making sure a project is successful?" but mendix assesment shwoing it wrong. Can anyone please help me with answer and proper expalnation.
2 answers

Hi Swarojani,

You don’t want to put the responsibility on a single person or group. That could lead to a lot of finger pointing and blaming if something goes wrong. You want to carry the responsibility together. Therefore, I believe the correct answer should be the Scrum Team: the whole team is responsible for carrying out a project together. 

Hope that helps. 


It should be Scrum team, Because all the people in the scrum team are responsible with everyone having their own role:

Scm --> Process, impediments

PO --> Vision, financials, Stakeholder management

Devs --> Working software.


If anyone of these fail the project will fail in a whole


Therefore it's also not just the developement team.. 

And the PO is ACCOUNTABLE. :-)

