Hi Ashley,
Can you explain what you are trying to achieve here? As this is an enum value, you can't use a UserRole object here as a variable. You can use an Enum Variable, or a hardcoded value (like ENUM_Units.YOURVALUE).
you should enter the enumeration value here you are passing system role here. check reference for below image
Hi Ashley,
This doesn't work because you can only use this action to filter on a specific type of unit. So in the equals field you would have to fill in a value of MyFirstModule.ENUM_Units.xxxxx.
For example if you have an enumeration called vehicles, you can use this action to filter only object where the object = Vehicle.Car, than you would only return cars.
Can you elaborate on what you are trying to do, so I can give a more concrete tip on what to do?
If you want to check if the object is associated with a userrole, you should fill in the association as member.
Hi Ashley,
You are giving the entity of System User instead you need to provide attribute.
Here, you have used an enumeration so it needs to be provided MyFirstModule.ENUM_Units.condition
It will work.