Hi, experts I’m Currently doing a leave request app .I basically done the basics requirements of the app and moving to the advancements of the app. In my app I got struck in the leave request count of the employee For eg(If the total leave in the organsiation is 8 days ,The total leave will be 8 days for an employee and it should be 5 casual leaves and 3 sick leaves .If the employee took 2 days leave already the total leaves available for him is 6 days . If all the 8 days taken by him the leave request option should get disabled for him . Please find the solution for this , The leave count should be visible to employee for each time he requesting leave, The leave request count should be added if the manager of the employee accepts the request .Below i called a microflow to count the request after the approval of the manager check whether and say what are the changes to do in the microflow
Sankar Ganesh
2 answers
Hi Sankar,
When you are showing total leaves, try to show 2 total leaves one for enabled and one for disabled. Take a boolean for visibility condition. If total leaves = casual leaves taken + sick leaves taken then false i.e., disabled else true i.e., enabled
bhagya rongala
Hi Sankar,
Can you post a picture of the page you are designing? You can disable the request option button by hiding it in the properties (visible when $CountOfLeave < 8)
To update the leave request count when when the manager accepts it, you should call a microflow when the manager accepts and do the addition in there.